Agricultural Contracting
- Paddock
maintenance, topping etc.
- Grass Harrowing.
- Mowing, Tedding, Raking.
- Round and Small Square Baling.
- Bale and Wrap, Bale Wrap and Stack.
- Muck Pile removal and / or Spreading.
- Vacuum Tanking
- Spraying
- If its not listed, please just ask.
and Management Services - Stock Fencing, Barbed wire and or Netting.
- Post and Rail Fencing.
- Equine Fencing, Post & Electric.
- Gates
- Tree Trimming / Removal.
- Excavations for new buildings, Menages, Drainage, etc.
Winter Maintenance
During snow fall if the need arises we are able to respond 24/7 to ensure you and your business can carry on with
as little disturbance as possible.